mobile website redirect javascript

web - Auto Redirect to Mobile Site - Stack Overflow.
My website will revert visitors to a seperate mobile site, this seems fairly. site first (which might be over 1MB), just for the javascript redirect to.

javascript - Redirect to Heroku mobile page not working on.

html - redirect a mobile site only once - Stack Overflow.

Oct 21, 2012. Hi. I use a mobile website platform via gomobi that allows me to generate php, jsp, javascript and html coding that redirects mobile phone.
I am using javascript as useragent to redirect main website to mobile website. but i can not switch to desktop view in mobile device. Any ways to.
Is there a way for me to automatically redirect someone to the mobile version of my webpage if they access through the main website?
Dec 19, 2012. JS-Redirection-Mobile-Site - JS to handle the redirection to the mobile version of your site.
JavaScript - Mobile Detect-Redirect Script With Cookies | CodeCanyon.
I have been working on my website and putting finishing touches on it so I .. Best way to stop specific JavaScript function on mobile devices.
Feb 28, 2013. Is there a way to make mobile users redirect to my mobile URL? javascript.
Auto Redirect Mobile Phones to your Mobi version of your Ning Site.

mobile website redirect javascript

Best Technique To Redirect Users To Mobile Site - Stack Overflow.
javascript redirect for mobile site | Wix Flash.

DetectMobileBrowser: Auto Redirect Users To Mobile Site.

Another problem we often see with the implementation of the “View Full Site  Mobile Redirect” script is with the order in which the JavaScript is loading.  Typically.
Dec 1, 2009. auto redirect to mobile site. This lightweight script is available in different programming languages i.e. ASP, Javascript, PHP, etc. for easy.
I'm trying to deploy a small javascript in an existing simple HTML site to redirect mobile visitors to the mobile site, with a 'Full site' link on the.
Feb 21, 2012. Hi how to redirect the user into mobile site when the user accessing. I put some research in google that we can redirect using javascript to get.

mobile website redirect javascript

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